ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3000

Why Educational Equity?

Educational equity means that every student has access to the resources and educational rigor they need at the right moment regardless of their identity background--and is done in a manner that: 1) overcomes historical patterns of social injustice, 2) allows each student to see themselves in their school/classroom, and 3) where their group identities are not correlated predictors of their academic, social/emotional, and behavioral success.

Our commitment toward educational equity is informed by guidance and resources from the U.S. Department of Education and the Wisconsin Department of Instruction (DPI), which governs policies and procedures within K-12 schools in the State of Wisconsin.

Equity Enriches All Students

We recognize that students, families, staff, and visitors come to our schools from a variety of different backgrounds and experiences. To create the most supportive schools, we must both celebrate the shared similarities we all have in commom AND honor the differences we bring to the classroom. Our shared priority is to make our schools a safe and welcoming learning environment where students have equal access to programs, services, and activities; in order to ensure equal access, we are committed to using equitable tools to support the unique needs and backgrounds of our students. 

Why Focus on Differences?

Protected Classes. Protected classes are defined by federal, state, and local laws and regulations because of historical discrimination. Our district policies (District Policy 14222260) include protected classes because of historical discrimination. Ongoing monitoring of patterns and outcomes, based on these protected classes is a requirement of our schools. Moreover, helping people is just the right thing to do. Learn more about protected classes by visiting our district's policy on Equal Educational Opportunities or Equal Employment Opportunities.

A focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) aligns with the following principles:
  1. ​​that various systems, from classrooms to schools to school districts to neighborhoods to communities, need and will be enriched by the diversity of their members;
  2. that everyone in a community (and in a school) will benefit when achieving equity and diversity, not only those who are underrepresented, and historically underserved; and,
  3. that attention to the positive (i.e. the benefits for all members of the community, when equity and diversity are part of its identity) is energizing.

Expanded Learning & Resources

Explore the following resources to learn more about why this work is important and what you can do to expand your learning on different topics.

Supporting Our LGBTQ Students, Families, and/or Community Neighbors
  1. Let's Talk about Nonbinary. This is an article discussing terms and definitions, as well as ways to support nonbinary students.
  2. Teachers and Families:  How to Support Transitioning Students. A video produced by PBS to help families and teachers support students who are transitioning.
  3. Safe Schools for LGBT Students. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instructions is the state agency that advances public education and libraries in Wisconsin. This agency also certifies teaching licenses for our state's teachers. This site provides resources on how we can create safe schools for students who identify as LGBTQ. 
  4. Resources for Families of LGBTQ Youth. The Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the Children's Bureau, the Administration for Children & Families, and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. This site provides resources and support for families of youth who identify as LGBTQ.
  5. Supporting LGBTQ Youth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the "nation's leading science-based, data-driven services organization that protects the public's health." This site provides resources and details on why it is important to support this population and how we can continue to do so.

Supporting our Students of Color and Their Families

  1. Let's Talk About It! A guide for facilitating critical conversations with students and children.Supporting Racial Diversity. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education provides guidance and resources regarding support programs, services, and activities that support students and families of color in education settings. 
  2. Talking to Children About the History of Slavery in the United States. Resources and information to help families talk about the history of slavery in the U.S. with their children.
  3. Equity and Inclusion. The Wisconsin DPI provides information and resources designed to help our schools support all our students. 
  4. Racial Disparities and Our Collective Will. The Wisconsin State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Jill Underly comments and discusses our state's commitment to confronting racism and racial disparities. 
  5. Title VI. The Indian Education program in the district was created in accordance with the Indian Education Act of 1972 and recognizes the unique educational needs of American Indian students in the United States.

Supporting our Economically Underserved Students and Families

  1. Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic Status. The American Psychological Association discusses how socio-economic status (household income) impacts all families, as well as highlighting the ways in which it affects families of color in unique ways.
  2. Free & Reduced Meal Information. Our district's Food & Nutrition Services Department provides meals during the school day to students 
  3. Family Services. The district supports the families of our students in many ways.