ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3000


For all ECASD schools except Eau Claire Virtual School, please
click HERE to enroll now! 

To enroll in ECVS, 
click HERE for enrollment information. 

Join Us in the ECASD! 

Welcome to the Eau Claire Area School District

Mission:  To inspire and prepare our students to live creative, fulfilling and responsible lives.

Vision:  We challenge minds, build relationships and nurture individual growth to prepare all students for post-secondary success.
Slogan: Where knowledge and inspiration meet to create the future.

ECASD Board of Education Goals:
  1. The Board and ECASD Staff will educate the whole child using multiple measures to assess academic achievement and social/emotional growth that are characteristic of successful adults.
  2. The Board and ECASD Staff will create a collaborative, intentional and engaging climate and culture using research-based practices to promote student learning.
  3. The Board and ECASD Staff will work to strengthen connections with the community to support students.


Feb 27
Family-Teacher Conferences (evening only)

Regular School Day for Students

Feb 28
Mar 3
No School for Students

All schools closed - Professional Learning/Instructional Planning Day for Staff

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