ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3000


        Young girl using iPad

The Technology Department provides leadership throughout the District for a wide range of Technology related initiatives. Our team collaborates to develop, lead, and facilitate District staff development, in-service and training, managing, and implementing complex technology related projects which support the District's Goals and Priorities.

Technology Administration

Photograph of James Martin
James Martin
Director of Technology
District Office, Room 124
Oversees Technicians, Technology Coordinators, Technology Support Services, Network Services, Phones Systems, and Website

Susan Larson
Technology Secretary
District Office, Room 124


Mary Brott
Technology Clerk
District Office, Room 124

Meet the rest of the Technology Team!