ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3000

What is Equity?

The ECASD will use a mindset of equity in all decision-making and at all levels, where educational equity means that every student has access to the resources and educational rigor they need at the right moment in their education, especially for students who have been historically marginalized; and in a manner that:  
  1. overcomes historical patterns of social injustice,
  2. allows each student to see themselves in their school/classroom, and
  3. where their group identities are not correlated predictors of their academic, social/emotional, and behavioral success.

Non-Discrimination Statement(s)

Eau Claire Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, immigration status, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

  1. Visit the Student Services website for more details. 
  2. Visit the Human Resources website for more details.


Dang Yang, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Dang Yang
Director of Equity, Diversity, and InclusionTitle IX Coordinator

Commitment to Equity

Read our Equity Statement
Equity Statement (Spanish) Equity Statement (Hmong)

The Equity Statement was adopted in March 2021 and serves as our policy book preamble, which informs the ongoing work we do to cultivate a safe and supportive learning environment for each student and staff throughout our district.

Forms & Documents

Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination
  1. Formal Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination Form (Student Form)
  2. Administrator Response & Action Form for Student Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination (Principal Form)
Gender Support Plan Toolkit
  1. Gender Support Plan - Fill Form for Students & Families
  2. Administrative Guidance - For School Counselors, Principals, and School Staff
  3. FAQ - About the Gender Support Plan
  4. Glossary of Terms - Toward a shared language and shared commitment

Spring Author Series

Each Spring, ECASD delivers a Diverse Author & Artist Series with a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion. Watch the video below to learn more about this effort.

Staff can learn more about this by visiting our staff site.

Community Resources


Chippewa Valley Equality Initiative
Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce
Eau Claire Hmong Mutual Assistance Association, Inc.
El Centro de Conexión de Chippewa Valley
Chippewa Valley LGBTQ+
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library
Power of Perception
Uniting Bridges
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Data & Information

27.72% - Students of Color
17.55% - Students with Disabilities
5.32% - English Language Learners
34 different languages spoken among our families
*2024-25 School Year Demographics

Equity Annual Report

2024 Equity Annual Report - English / Spanish
2023 Equity Annual Report - English / Spanish
2022 Equity Annual Report - English / Spanish

Each year, the district will publish an annual equity report outlining district-wide efforts that will lead us toward more equitable outcomes for our students and staff.

This report aligns with the ECASD School Board Operational Expectation 2 - Equity Commitment.


Climate Survey

The district's annual climate surveys are distributed each year to all students in grades 3-12, as well as to all staff and families. 

Responses are completely anonymous and we use the results of these surveys to help identify what the district is doing well, where we need to improve, and what we must prioritize as we plan for the future. 

Learn more about the Climate Surveys by exploring the links below.​


Student Climate Survey Results
Review the available results by clicking on the link below.

  1. Results 2023-24 (March 2024)

Review the blank questionnaires by clicking on the links below.

  1. Family Climate Survey Questions
  2. Student Climate Survey (Grades 3-5) Questions
  3. Student Climate Survey (Grades 6-12) Questions