ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3000

School Calendars (PDF)

Feb 27
Family-Teacher Conferences (evening only)

Regular School Day for Students

Calendar: District

Feb 28
Family-Teacher Conferences (All Levels)

No School for Students

Calendar: District

Mar 3
No School for Students

All schools closed - Professional Learning/Instructional Planning Day for Staff

Calendar: District

Mar 17
Mar 21
Spring Break

All Schools Closed

Calendar: District

Mar 28
End of Secondary School Marking Period

End of Third Quarter

Calendar: District

Apr 18
All Schools Closed

No School for Students

Calendar: District

Apr 21
Professional Learning/Instructional Planning Day for Staff

No School for Students

Calendar: District

May 21
Eau Claire Virtual School Graduation

7:00 p.m.

Location: To Be Determined
Calendar: District

May 22
Memorial High School Graduation

7:00 p.m.

Location: Memorial High School
Calendar: District

May 23
North High School Graduation

7:00 p.m.

Location: North High School
Calendar: District

Displaying results 1-10 (of 14)
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  • To subscribe using your Google account, sign in to your account and click the plus icon next to "Add a friend's calendar", in the drop down menu, click "from URL". Copy the Subscription URL above and paste it into the dialog. If you don't see the events, be sure the calendar is selected by expanding "Other Calendars" and verifying that the colored box is filled in next to the subscribed calendar.
  • To subscribe using your (Microsoft) account, sign in to your calendar and click "Import" at the very top of the page. In the left column click "Subscribe", then copy the Subscription URL above and paste it into the Calendar URL and click Subscribe.
Note: Updates to your calendar can take up to 24 hours, depending on your settings and calendar provider.
If you use a desktop calendar application that doesn't support subscriptions, you can download the results of this search to your computer and import them using the link below. Please note that an Import is a one-time download of the current events on our site; only Subscriptions allow your calendar to automatically sync with our website.