ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3300


We believe that library media programs are essential to 21st century life skills; therefore, our mission is to:

     ▪ promote a love of reading
     ▪ connect learners with ideas and information
     ▪ teach information technologies
     ▪ prepare students for life-long learning and informed decision-making
     ▪ participate as active partners in the teaching/learning process
     ▪ provide leadership in the total education program

Library Policies & Procedures

     ▪ Flynn students check out a certain number of items each week, based on their grade level. If you have questions about what you or your student can check out, please ask! 

     ▪ Books are officially due one week after checkout and have a grace period of an extra week; however, books may be renewed until the student has finished reading the book.

     ▪ Fines are not charged for overdue books, however replacement costs will be charged for lost or damaged items. A bill will be sent home with the student.

     ▪ Overdue notices may be sent to parents via e-mail if a parent has submitted an e-mail address to the school district. These overdue notices are computer generated and are sometimes sent out inadvertently. If you receive one of these notices and it doesn't seem quite right, please contact Mrs. Steltz.

     ▪ All Flynn students are issued an iPad and charger to use in school and at home. 3rd-5th graders are also issued a keyboard. If these are lost or damaged, please let Mrs. Steltz know as soon as possible.