ECASD Schools Closed February 18
ECASD Schools Closed February 18ECASD schools are closed on Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. EC Virtual School remains in session.
  • (715) 852-3300

eBooks and Audiobooks

All Ages

ebooks and audiobooks for checkout. Log in with your username (student ID) and password (lunch pin).
Fiction and nonfiction books to listen, watch, and read.
Capstone Interactive
Digital collection of nonfiction and fiction books. 
Nonfiction texts for beginning readers on science, animals, biographies, and social studies.
Story Nory
Fiction and nonfiction stories.
Just Books Read Aloud
Popular picture books read aloud.
Listen and Read
Popular picture books read aloud.
Barnes & Noble Storytime 
Popular picture books read aloud.
Storyline Online
Popular picture books read aloud.

Search for Books

For Upper Grades

Myths & Legends
Retellings of world myths and legends Best for grades 4-5.
Short videos and full nonfiction books on science and social studies topics. Best for grades 3-5.
Read about a wonder of the day and the facts behind the question.

Other Short Texts


TIME for Kids
Articles by grade level or topic. K-5.
Current events. Best for grades 4-5.
Smithsonian Tween Tribune
Current events. Best for grades 4-5.